Results for "The MoneySaver Podcast"

Ellen Roseman speaks with Clay Jarvis of They discuss the mortgages, becoming a landlord, what to expect when becoming a landlord as well the gratification that one can receive from becoming a real estate investor among a host of other topics.
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Ellen Roseman speaks with Kyle Prevost, co-author of the book More Money For Beer and Textbooks and self-proclaimed personal finance nerd, about his new retirement planning course for Canadians entitled "4 Steps to a Worry-Free Canadian Retirement." They discuss topics such as the incentive structure for advisors, the 70% rule of pre-retirement income in retirement, fee-only advice and a variety of personal finance topics including his four steps for a worry free retirement. They also discuss life living in Qatar.

Ellen Roseman speaks with Michael Bartz, host of the In Over My Head podcast, about his tiny house and lowering his environmental footprint as well as living simply and frugally.

In this episode, Ellen Roseman speaks with Fred Vettese, Actuary and Author of Retirement Income for Life: Getting More Without Saving More (Second Edition) about his contrarian view of Canadian retirement strategies, including delaying CPP and decumulation of assets.

In the 21st episode of the MoneySaver Podcast, we chat with Robb Engen, blogger, journalist and consumer advocate. We talk about how he (along with his mother) co-founded the long-standing blog Boomer and Echo, how he came to be a consumer advocate, how he hopes to reach financial independence by age 45 and he gives his best three financial tips.

In episode 20 of the MoneySaver Podcast, Ellen Roseman chats with Preet Banerjee, media personality, speaker, author and podcaster about his five personal finance tips that he lays out in his book "Stop Over Thinking Your Money" as well as renting vs. buying, his former career as an advisor and "MoneyGaps."

Ellen chats with Bruce Sellery, speaker, television personality, personal finance expert and author of "The Moolala Guide to Rockin' Your RRSP". We chat about RRSPs, TFSAs, ignoring the noise and saving for retirement.

In the 12th edition of the MoneySaver Podcast, Ellen Roseman chats with Colin Ritchie from and Canadian MoneySaver contributor about grandparents funding RESPs, TFSA or RRSP, The Smith Manoever, taxation, Wills and Powers of Attorney as well as his tips for a successful financial career.

In the tenth episode of the MoneySaver podcast we chat with Ryan Modesto, CFA and CEO of 5i Research Inc. We discuss what an investor should take into account when creating a portfolio including assessing risk tolerance, ability to accept risk, debt, ETFs, stocks, mutual funds, TFSAs, RRSPs and fees.