Results for "Richardson GMP"
Other than the expected employment reports, market discussion this week was very focused on the European Central Bank (ECB).What exactly happened in Europe and what does it mean for the markets?
Jim Flaherty resigned this week as one of the longest serving Finance Ministers in our country’s history and Joe Oliver was appointed as his replacement. Should Canadians and their portfolios be concerned about this transition?
Considering the growing influence of online sales, is Cyber Monday becoming more important than Black Friday?
The European Central Bank cut interest rates on Thursday from 0.5% to 0.25%? Have conditions in Europe deteriorated to justify this move?
This week, Microsoft finally bought out Nokia’s wireless handset business for $7 billion. At the same time, reports circulated that Blackberry was plotting to get itself sold, hopefully quickly. Can or should Microsoft buy Blackberry too?
If commodities aren’t leading the TSX Index anymore, which areas of the market have taken up the leadership position?
Market turbulence is making it harder than ever to hold on to the stocks in my portfolio. Remind me again why I should be holding on to equities?