Personal Finance
When it comes to investing and personal finance, there are a lot of sayings and rules of thumb that are out there. Some of these can be great guideposts while others may be less helpful. We wanted to highlight three common phrases/concepts that we view as timeless in the investing and personal finance world.
Ellen Roseman speaks with Sol Amos, entrepreneur and founder of They discuss the 5 types of financial advisors/planners as well as questions to ask when selecting a financial advisor/planner.
Today’s introduction will be short and sweet, as I think the title above and definitions below largely speak for themselves. My goal today is to provide a glossary or cheatsheet you can use when learning how to speak mortgage in order to guide you towards making the most informed decision possible about the best mortgage for you and yours. My fervent thanks once again to my friend and mortgage guy, Russ Morrison of The Morrison Mortgage Team for his input in creating and shaping this article.
- Posted Rate: the interest rate lenders advertise to borrowers for mortgages with different features and for different rates of time. Lenders provide posted rates for both fixed-rate and variable mortgages.
- Discounted Rate: the actual rate your lender charges you on your mortgage because you’re special rather than the rate they quote to the unwashed masses. You’ll likely need to haggle to get this
Ellen roseman speaks to Barbara Stewart, Chartered Financial Analyst and Research, about post-pandemic non-retirement as well as her Rich Thinking research on women and money and how women are re-inventing themselves as relating to employment, post-pandemic. She also discusses her five post pandemic financial planning retirement tips.
Ellen Roseman speaks with Hamish Khamiza, President and CEO of SparxTrading, an online media company which publishes digital investment content for DIY investors. They chat about online investing, online brokerages, dividend re-investing and upcoming trends.
Ellen Roseman chats with Shaun Maslyk, CFP and host of the podcast "The Most Hated F-Word" about our money-stories and how they affect our relationship with money. He mentions Dr. Brad Klontz and the four money-scripts or subconscious beliefs that we develop as young children about money.
Ellen Roseman speaks with award-winning personal finance writer, real estate expert, and best-selling Amazon author of "House Poor No More: 9 Steps that Grow the Value of Your Home and Net Worth", Romana King about home ownership and how to see your home as a strategic investment in your life and how to make sure that you are doing the right things to increase the value of your home and net worth.