Personal and Business Benefits Explained due to Covid-19

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Getting to Know Janet Gray, CFP
Before joining Money Coaches Canada in 2014, Janet worked as a full-service Certified Financial Planner® with a major Canadian financial institution for 13 years. Her specialized knowledge in both business and retirement issues has made her a go-to-expert for media outlets such as CBC, CTV, Global, The Globe and Mail, and and The Canadian MoneySaver magazine. She can be seen regularly on CTV Ottawa Morning Live.
Questions Asked:
1:41 Tell us more about the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB).
3:56 Tell us a little more about the tax status of the CERB.
5:24 Tell us about the HST/GST credit and the Canada Child Benefit.
6:29 Can you speak to the deferrals of credit card payments, loans payments and mortgage payments?
9:57 Based on an example of a typical Canadian family, what are some of the benefits that they can access?
12:56 And what are the benefits available for students?
14:25 Where would you recommend that citizens refer to in order keep up with news regarding the different benefits and services that are available to Canadians?
17:33 Let’s talk about benefits that are available to small businesses.
19:24 What about the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA)?
20:37 How about the rent benefit for businesses?
22:26 What about the deferral for sales tax remittances and customs duties?
23:03 Have you found that you’re busier than usual helping people get through this period?
24:30 Now that interest rates are lower, it’s a good time to get in touch with lenders to talk about reducing the costs on loans and making sure that we have the right products that suit our needs.
30:53 Can you give us your three best tips for weathering this pandemic emergency?
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