Results for "Canadian MOneySaver"

Ellen Roseman speaks with Clay Jarvis of They discuss the mortgages, becoming a landlord, what to expect when becoming a landlord as well the gratification that one can receive from becoming a real estate investor among a host of other topics.
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Ellen Roseman speaks with Kyle Prevost, co-author of the book More Money For Beer and Textbooks and self-proclaimed personal finance nerd, about his new retirement planning course for Canadians entitled "4 Steps to a Worry-Free Canadian Retirement." They discuss topics such as the incentive structure for advisors, the 70% rule of pre-retirement income in retirement, fee-only advice and a variety of personal finance topics including his four steps for a worry free retirement. They also discuss life living in Qatar.

Ellen Roseman speaks with Tim Hewson from about why everyone needs a will and the problems that are created when there isn't one upon death! They also talk about reasons that people give why they haven't yet gotten one and tips and tricks when you do decide to get a will.

In 2018, Lana and Ellen met at a personal finance conference and suggested, spontaneously, collaborating on a podcast. Since then, we’ve introduced you to thought-provoking and thoughtful money experts, bringing you their best advice and tips. It’s been a great ride.

In this episode, Ellen Roseman chats with Kerry Taylor a.k.a Squawkfox, speaker, blogger and podcaster about behavioural finance, covid and whether her views about money have changed after her battle with cancer. They also chat about dynamic pricing, algorithm and loss aversion.

Peter Hodson, Chartered Financial Analytst and founder of 5i Research, and Ellen Roseman discuss various lessons that he learned over his 30 or 40 years in the stock market. They also discuss stocks like Constellation Software, GoEasy, Knight Therapeutics, Boyd Auto Services, Bitcoin and Do It Yourself Investing.

Whether it's a holographic will, a will drawn up by a lawyer or even a will from a digital platform, every Canadian should have one. Ellen Roseman chats with Erin Bury from about wills, powers of attorney and other important documents.

In the seventh edition of the MoneySaver Podcast, we chat with John De Goey, Portfolio Manager, Author of four books, Canadian MoneySaver contributor and frequent Business News Network. We talk about embedded compensations, regulatory reform, ETFs and portfolio management.
Knowing that, Canadians can ease their burden with some end-of- year preparation to help them get what’s theirs this tax season. Here are H&R Block’s top five tips to help prepare for the upcoming tax season.
Michael Campbell from discusses the economy.