Posts by Canadian MoneySaver
In the 12th edition of the MoneySaver Podcast, Ellen Roseman chats with Colin Ritchie from and Canadian MoneySaver contributor about grandparents funding RESPs, TFSA or RRSP, The Smith Manoever, taxation, Wills and Powers of Attorney as well as his tips for a successful financial career.
In the 11th edition of the MoneySaver Podcast, we speak with Rona Birenbaum, Certified Financial Planner, from Caring For Clients. In honour of Financial Planning Week, we discuss financial planning, the process of creating a financial plan, debt, spending and her new tech start-up Viviplan, a new, low-cost financial planning service for Canadians.
In the tenth episode of the MoneySaver podcast we chat with Ryan Modesto, CFA and CEO of 5i Research Inc. We discuss what an investor should take into account when creating a portfolio including assessing risk tolerance, ability to accept risk, debt, ETFs, stocks, mutual funds, TFSAs, RRSPs and fees.
In the ninth episode of the MoneySaver podcast, we chat with Doris Belland, entrepreneur, motivational speaker and author of Protect Your Purse: Shared Lessons for Women about steps that a woman can take to secure herself in the even of divorce or even the death of a spouse. We also chat about her women's money group and how she overcame $400 000 of debt after the death of her first husband.
In the eighth episode of the MoneySaver Podcast, we talk to Tea Nicola, CEO of Wealthbar, a robo-advisor. We talk about robo-advisors, women in the boardroom, investing advice and Nicola Wealth Management funds.
In the seventh edition of the MoneySaver Podcast, we chat with John De Goey, Portfolio Manager, Author of four books, Canadian MoneySaver contributor and frequent Business News Network. We talk about embedded compensations, regulatory reform, ETFs and portfolio management.
In episode six, Ellen chats with Bridget Casey, creator of the blog Money After Graduation
They discuss the debt snowball, debt avalanche and the debt snowflake methods of clearing up debt, investing as well as the overall financial health of millennials in Canada.