Canadian MoneySaver Blog
Oct 20, 2022 Why You Should Care About Cybersecurity
The two most common misconceptions about cybersecurity are;
1. They are not targeting me and
2. I am well protected.
So now that we established this article is for you, let’s dive in. For the record, I will take some shortcuts and make some generalizations to make things simpler for everyone, sorry for the cybersecurity purist this may offend!
First, let’s start with why criminals (the hackers, we refer to them in the industry as “bad actors”, but for today we will call them what they are, criminals) are trying to get to you. The vast majority of the time, the answer is simple: money (there is a thing called hacktivism, where hackers are using their “talent” for one social cause or another, but those will typically be more focused on attacking nations or large companies).
The two main ways they make money are fairly simple:
1. They take your (from your bank account, credit cards…)
2. they take your data and sell it to someone else.
Oct 11, 2022 The ABCs Of ESG Investing Part 2: Investing Choices For The ESG-Conscious
In the first part of this three-part series, we examined the basics of ESG investing. To reiterate, the E in ESG stands for environmental issues such as pollution and climate change, while the S represents a company’s social attitudes as in how it treats its employees, its customers, and its investors. Finally, the G for governance looks at issues such as boardroom diversity, executive compensation, conflicts of interest and shareholder rights.
Oct 04, 2022 Our Money Stories And How They Affect Our Finances
Ellen Roseman chats with Shaun Maslyk, CFP and host of the podcast "The Most Hated F-Word" about our money-stories and how they affect our relationship with money. He mentions Dr. Brad Klontz and the four money-scripts or subconscious beliefs that we develop as young children about money.
Oct 04, 2022 Your Home As A Strategic Investment
Ellen Roseman speaks with award-winning personal finance writer, real estate expert, and best-selling Amazon author of "House Poor No More: 9 Steps that Grow the Value of Your Home and Net Worth", Romana King about home ownership and how to see your home as a strategic investment in your life and how to make sure that you are doing the right things to increase the value of your home and net worth.
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