Canadian MoneySaver Blog
May 30, 2019 Five Simple Personal Finance Rules with Preet Banerjee
In episode 20 of the MoneySaver Podcast, Ellen Roseman chats with Preet Banerjee, media personality, speaker, author and podcaster about his five personal finance tips that he lays out in his book "Stop Over Thinking Your Money" as well as renting vs. buying, his former career as an advisor and "MoneyGaps."
May 30, 2019 A Successful Personal Finance Blogger and His Quest for Freedom 45.
In the 21st episode of the MoneySaver Podcast, we chat with Robb Engen, blogger, journalist and consumer advocate. We talk about how he (along with his mother) co-founded the long-standing blog Boomer and Echo, how he came to be a consumer advocate, how he hopes to reach financial independence by age 45 and he gives his best three financial tips.
May 02, 2019 Protecting Seniors from Financial Abuse
In the 19th edition of The MoneySaver Podcast, we talk to elder law specialist Laura Tamblyn Watts on how to protect seniors from financial abuse, including scams and advice on aging gracefully.
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