Canadian MoneySaver Blog
Mar 20, 2019 How to Rock Your RRSP! with Bruce Sellery
Ellen chats with Bruce Sellery, speaker, television personality, personal finance expert and author of "The Moolala Guide to Rockin' Your RRSP". We chat about RRSPs, TFSAs, ignoring the noise and saving for retirement.
Mar 08, 2019 More Money Won't Make You Happier
We chat with Melissa Leong, author of "Happy Go Money", social media and television personality, in the 16th episode of the MoneySaver Podcast. She talks about how more money won't make you happier and that you should be happy with the money that you have. She also explains what the hedonic treadmill is and how spending money on "experiences" instead of "stuff" will allow you to be happier.
Mar 04, 2019 Getting Beyond Shame and Blame to Prosper over Debt
We chat with Shannon Lee Simmons, CFP and author of Living Debt-Free about how she accumulated over $9000 worth of debt in a fourteen month period and how guilt, shame and regret took over as a result.
Mar 04, 2019 Financial Independence Early Retirement or F.I.R.E.
The the 15th episode of the MoneySaver Podcast, we talk to Bob Lai, the blogger behind on the Financial Independence Retire Early or F.I.R.E. He dispels myths to describe how to quit the daily grind and live life (and retirement) the way you want to.
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