Frank Duck

Frank Duck
- "Financial Fallacies Revisited Again" (Download)
- "Financial Fallacies Revisited - Part 2" (Download)
- "Financial Fallacies Revisited" (Download)
- "The Risk of Outliving Your Money" (Download)
- "MERs - Love Them or Leave Them" (Download)
- "Reverse Mortgages Revisited" (Download)
- "Active vs. Passive Mutual Fund and Stock Management" (Download)
- "Myths Surrounding the Clawback" (Download)
- "Why Preferred is Preferred?" (Download)
- "RRSPs and their Usefulness" (Download)
- "RRSPs and Their Usefulness" (Download)
- "Reverse Mortgages" (Download)
- "The Maligned Debt Instrument" (Download)
- "Financial Plan, Not Denominated in Dollars" (Download)
- "Sustainability of the Canadian Pension Plan" (Download)
- "Dealing With Financial Planning Fallacies - Winding Up An RRSP" (Download)
- "Our Financial Portfolio" (Download)
- "Dollar-Cost Averaging vs. Lump-Sum Purchasing" (Download)
- "Dealing with Some Financial Planning Fallacies" (Download)
- "Debt and Equity: Expected Rates of Return" (Download)
- "Basic Choices Between Debt and Equity" (Download)
- "Wealth Reduction and the Implications for You" (Download)