Camillo Lento

Camillo Lento
Camillo is an Assistant Professor (Accounting) in the Faculty of Business Administration at Lakehead University. He teaches a variety of undergraduate courses in financial accounting and auditing, and holds many administrative positions within the Faculty. His research interests are varied, and focus primarily on the quality of discretionary accruals. Camillo holds a PhD in Accounting from the University of Southern Queensland, an M.Sc. (Management) and BComm (Honours) from Lakehead University. In addition, he is a Chartered Accountant (Ontario), Certified Fraud Examiner, and student member of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators. Before joining Lakehead University, Camillo worked with Grant Thornton LLP and Ernst and Young LLP in a variety of accounting, auditing, business valuation, litigation support and taxation related roles. Camillo is actively involved in his community. He is an executive member of the Northwestern Ontario CA Association, participates in the annual CA Volunteer Tax Clinic, and is the coordinator of the CRA Community Volunteer Income Tax Program for the Lakehead University campus.
Camillo Lento, PhD, CA, CFE, MSc, BComm, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON, (807) 343-8387
- Understanding The RRSP Withdrawal Withholding Tax (Download)
- An Update On RRSPs, TFSAs And U.S. Withholding Tax (Download)
- The Importance Of Naming A Successor (Download)
- Eligible Dividends And The TFSA (Download)
- RRSPs, TFSAs, And US Withholding Tax (Download)
- Do Risky Assets Belong In A TFSA? (Download)
- "Should Students Use RRSPs?" (Download)
- "Understanding the Implications of the TFSA Contribution Limit Calculation" (Download)
- "Quantifying The Impact Of The Increased TFSA Contribution Room" (Download)
- "The Tax Treatment Of Eligible Dividends" (Download)
- "Careful When You Contribute" (Download)
- "When Does the Home Buyers' Plan Make Sense?" (Download)
- "Testing the RRSP Conventional Wisdom" (Download)
- "RESPs (Part 2) - The Savings Power and Taxation" (Download)
- "The RESP Part 1: Understanding the Basics" (Download)
- "Naming an RRSP and RRIF Beneficiary" (Download)
- "CRA is Short of Information on Short Sales" (Download)
- "The Impact of HST " (Download)
- "Splitting Income with a Spousal RRSP" (Download)
- "RRSP or TFSA? Consider Your Tax Rate!" (Download)