Alan MacDonald

Alan MacDonald
Alan MacDonald CFA, CFP, Director, Wealth Management
Tel 613.788.8010 Email
Alan has been in the financial services industry for more than 30 years, serving entrepreneurs and top executives and their families. During that time, he has seen all the ups, downs and sideways fluctuations the capital markets are capable of delivering and learned first-hand what works and what doesn’t.
As a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and Chartered Financial Planner, Alan is a firm believer in education. He ensures that each member of his team has completed a rigorous course of study and training, so they can provide our clients with the most up-to-date knowledge, unparalleled expertise and highest standard of service in the business.
Alan is also an active member of the community. He serves on the Board and Trail Projects Committee of the TransCanada Trail. Alan was also a proud volunteer for more than 10 years with Citizen Advocacy, providing weekly companionship to an older man with physical and mental disabilities to reduce his isolation. Outside the office, Alan enjoys sports, travelling, and spending time with his family.
- Why Your Brain May Not Be Helping You Make The Best Decisions (Download)
- Why Markets And Life Look A Lot Alike (Download)
- Why Do We Make This Investment Thing Harder Than It Needs To Be? (Download)
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- What Dirty Harry Can Teach Us About Finances (Download)
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- "What Marriage And A Successful Portfolio Have In Common" (Download)
- "Pundits Have Problems" (Download)
- "What Marriage And A Successful Portfolio Have In Common" (Download)
- "Your Retirement – Updated For The 21st Century" (Download)
- "If Your Last Budget Failed, Here's Why" (Download)
- "Two Widows, Two Portfolios And 50 Years Of Inflation" (Download)
- "The Next 200% Gain" (Download)