If hearing the names Frosted Flakes, PEP, and Almond Joy elicits a glow of nostalgia, congratulations, you’re a Boomer! As the Boomers and Gen Xers shuffle into retirement, they’re not just getting misty-eyed over sugary breakfast cereals, they’re also feeling nostalgia for a bi-weekly paycheque. That’s been replaced by a lump of savings to be chipped away and that’s a whole different ball game.
The Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) is a long-term savings vehicle offered to Canadians as a way to help save for a child’s continued education after high school. It is a tax shelter for investments for a beneficiary’s post-secondary education costs, and an RESP can be set up by any adult for a child, grandchild, nieces, nephews, themselves, or even family friends. In the following section we will highlight some of the basic rules around an RESP...