My younger brother has more money than I do. Do you have any idea how hard that is to admit? My “baby” brother, at the ripe age of 18, who has barely worked a real job, while I’ve worked more than ten, has more money than I do. He has more money because early on, he “got it” and I didn’t. He was smarter with his money than I was, and so now, he has more than I do. What a humbling and terrible thing to accept as an older sibling.
For those beginning their investing journey in 2025 in order to reach long-term financial goals, the endless list of investment choices can be overwhelming. It’s impossible to evaluate every investment option, and many young investors find it challenging to even get started. Add in the fear of losing money, and the default often involves giving up for now. This is costly, since what is lost is "time invested", which is one of the key elements that impacts wealth accumulation over the long term.